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When Apple created the Macintosh, Steve Jobs also created the Laserwriter. It was Steve’s interest in “typography, graphic layout, and font design” that led to the Apple Laserwriter and the birth of what was then known as desktop publishing. Consumers had for the first time access to beautiful proportionally spaced type and fonts without having […]

It is not as simple as just ordering a new plan. While the NBN supplied termination device (NTD) has four data ports, UNI-D 1-4, and theoretically can have four separate ISPs providing simultaneous services, this doesn’t work if one of the services is at gigabit speed, such as a 1000/50 plan. NBN won’t allow you […]

I finally migrated my web site, blog and image archive into a single platform. Previously I had Slideshowpro Director serve the images on my main site, wordpress.com to host my blog and Photoshelter for the image archive. The migration is now a free Graph Paper Press wordpress theme (Widescreen) that’s covering the main site https://syd-low.com, […]

A great read on how to do web design properly. BBC Internet Blog: A new global visual language for the BBC’s digital services.

Found these good references from this article:http://www.aisleone.net/2009/design/myths-misconceptions-about-grid-systems/http://www.thegridsystem.org/http://www.designinfluences.com/fluid960gs/http://www.alistapart.com/articles/fluidgridshttp://fluid.newgoldleaf.com/

Branding 101 for everyone. The Brand Gap View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: design brand)